Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Health Of People Depleting Various Reasons â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Health Of People Is Depleting Due To Various Reasons? Answer: Introducation Healthcare is an important sector which is providing quality services for enhancing the health of people. The health of people is depleting due to various reasons. It is vital to provide quality healthcare services to people for increasing the standard of health. Different individuals have different health needs and different individuals are treated in a different manner. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgendered, two-spirit, intersex and queer individuals/communities are being discriminated on the grounds of the healthcare services. The health of the LGBTIQ gets affected due to various factors including social, behavioral and structural factors. Discrimination is also creating an impact on the health of the transgender who belongs to LGBTIQ umbrella. Rights provided to the LGBTIQ people have been improved in the last 50 years which shows that steps have been taken for enhancing the quality of their health. It has been analysed from the data presented by AIWH that more than 34 % of LGBTIQ fears from disclosing their identity and availed the services without disclosing their identity. Initiatives have been taken by the Australian government for providing healthcare services to LGBTIQ people. Due to discriminatory practices 35 % of the transgender people above the age 18 have attempted suicide during their life. Transgender people in Australia are suffering from depression due to lack of proper treatment. There is a need to provide better training to the healthcare professionals so as to make them understand the health needs of the transgender patients (AIHW, 2017). I have been working for providing healthcare services to the people for ensuring their good health. I have analyzed that transgender people suffer a lot due to the views of society towards the transgender (Mayer, et. al., 2008). I have analyzed that there are various factors which act as barriers resulting in poor health of transgender people. These barriers include knowledge possessed by the professionals of healthcare, the attitude of the healthcare professionals towards transgender, fear from disclosing their gender or sexual identity, discriminatory practices harming the interest of transgender and absence of proactive communication (Rashidian, et. al., 2016). It has been analyzed that some healthcare professionals do not possess the knowledge of the healthcare services which should be provided to the transgender. There are chances when a health care professional lack in possessing knowledge of the health issues faced by the transgender. Another barrier is the attitude of the healthcare professionals as healthcare professional refuses to treat transgender and transgender even faced disrespectful behavior and abuse from the healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals are inattentive to the transgender patients (OHTN, 2014). Transgender face refusal and ignorance from the society and this develops fear in their mind and they fear to disclose their gender identity. These discriminatory practices result in a delay in the treatment provided to the transgender. They fear that disclosure of their identity can affect the quality of the healthcare services provided to them by the healthcare professionals. Communication process or channel bet ween the transgender and healthcare professional is missing due to fear and refusal. Transgender have gone through various situations which develop fear in their mind. These previous experiences act as a barrier to healthcare access for transgender. Attitude, values, and beliefs of the healthcare professional can create an impact on the health and wellbeing of the service user in a positive as well as negative manner (Mller, 2016). A healthcare professional should not discriminate the patients and focus on enhancing the quality of the health of the service users. A healthcare professional must adopt a positive attitude towards the service users for providing proper treatment to the service users. Transgender faces discrimination as health care professionals refuses to treat them. I have adopted a positive attitude towards the transgender patients so as to provide equal treatment to every service user and avoiding discriminatory practices. I have ensured that every service user is treated properly and focus is on the quality of health of the service user. I believe that it is the moral responsibility of the healthcare professional to treat everyone equal and must perform its responsibilities with commitment. Providing healthcare service is considered as providing public service and one must consider every individual equal regardless of its gender, caste, race, and color (Kates, et. al., 2016). Values adopted by me have guided my behavior towards the service users and eliminating the discriminatory practices. The core values which I have adopted for performing my responsibilities are social justice, human dignity, autonomy, and altruism. Altruism has helped me in being selfless and providing quality services without discriminating transgender from others. I believe that as a healthcare professional one must adopt dignity and should treat every individual equal. I have focused on providing equal treatment to every individual. Transgender need to be considered equal so as to ensure their health. I have followed integrity for ensuring that my actions are not creating any harm to the service users and performing the responsibilities in an ethical manner (Kemppainen, et. al., 2012). I believe that it is important to analyze the issues or the barriers which create an adverse impact on the health and well-being of transgender. Training programs need to be provided to the healthcare professionals so as to change their behavior towards the transgender. I have planned to make people aware of the issues which are being faced by transgender and to explain to them that society must be treated as a whole and every individual is a part of society. I will try to motivate the transgender for discussing the health issues faced by them with the healthcare professionals. This will enhance the quality of life of transgender as well as promotes unity and equality among the society. I will ensure that the environment of healthcare setting is free from discriminatory practices affecting the health and well-being of transgender (Brownson et. al., 2010). I will discuss the issues which are being faced by transgender and helping them in coping with the issues. Developing a safe and h ealthy environment is an important aspect as this will help in improving the health condition of transgender and providing fair treatment to them. There is a need to remove the barriers which are affecting the health of transgender. Counseling sessions must be provided to transgender for encouraging them and helping them in communicating with the healthcare professionals in a better manner. Healthcare professionals need to possess knowledge of the health issues of transgender so as to treat them (Russell, 2013). Anti-discriminatory practices have been formulated by the government of Australia so as to ensure that proper healthcare services are offered to transgender people. I will focus on promoting their anti-discriminatory practices for developing a better environment for transgender patients. I have analyzed these issues faced by transgender which are creating an impact on the health and safety of transgender must be dealt by applying measures. These measures will help in improving the health and well-being of the transgender. My motive is to promote equality among the different groups of the society. The safe environment needs to be created which will help in contributing towards the betterment of the transgender (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011). These people have faced various issues including discrimination which has affected their physical health as well as mental health. Transgender are frequently facing discrimination and refusal which has affected their health. It is vital to remove these discriminatory practices for promoting equality and providing fair treatment to transgender. Healthcare centers can be set for transgender for ensuring that health issues of transgender are identified in a proper manner and are addressed without any delay (Brownson et. al., 2010). Various rules and regulations have been formulated by the government for the safety and security of the different groups of the society. Campaigns can be initiated for ensuring that these people are not getting ignored. Anti-discriminatory practices need to be formulated and adopted in the healthcare sector for ensuring the health and safety of the different groups of the society. Trust and respect must be developed among the different groups of the society for each other. This trust and respect will help in ensuring that health of the transgender is maintained (Berman, et. al., 2011). Thus, it can be concluded that positive attitude must be adopted by every healthcare practitioner for ensuring good health of the different groups of the society. As a healthcare professional, there is a need to understand the importance of equality in the healthcare sector and its impact on the health and well-being of the different groups. References AIHW, 2017, Older Australians who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex, AIHW. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011, Census, unpublished data generated using ABS TableBuilder, Canberra: ABS. Berman, P., Pallas, S., Smith, A. L., Curry, L. Bradleyb, E. H., 2011, Improving the Delivery of Health Services: A Guide to Choosing Strategies, Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Discussion Paper. Brownson R. C., Seiler R., Eyler A. A., 2010, Measuring the impact of public health policy, Prev Chronic Dis. Kates, J., Ranji, U., Beamesderfer, A., Salganicoff, A. Dawson, L., 2016, Health and Access to Care and Coverage for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Individuals in the U.S., The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kemppainen, V., Tossavainen, K. Turunen, H., 2012, Nurses' roles in health promotion practice: an integrative review, Health Promotion International. Krehely, J., 2009, How to Close the LGBT Health Disparities Gap, Center for American Progress. Mayer, K. H., Bradford, J. B., Makadon, H. J., Stall, R., Goldhammer, H., Landers, S., 2008, Sexual and Gender Minority Health: What We Know and What Needs to Be Done,American Journal of Public Health,98(6), 989995. Mller, A., 2016, Health for All? Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Implementation of the Right to Access to Health Care in South Africa, HHR Journal. OHTN, 2014, Facilitators and barriers to health care for lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people, OHTN. Rashidian, M., Minichiello, V., Knutsen, S. F., Ghamsary, M., 2016, Barriers to sexual health care: a survey of Iranian-American physicians in California, USA,BMC Health Services Research,16, 263. Russell, L., 2013, Improving M?ori Health And Reducing Inequalities Between M?ori And Nonm?ori: Has The Primary Health Care Strategy Worked For M?or
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