Saturday, May 23, 2020
Vaccinations Should Be Mandatory - 1469 Words
Vaccinations should be Mandatory Did you know the battle over vaccines goes back as far as the Revolutionary War? Vaccines have been an intricate part of our lives. The Vaccination Act of 1853 ordered mandatory vaccinations for infants up to 3 months old, by 1857 the Vaccination Act extended the age requirement to 14 years of age, fines were given to people who refused to get the vaccines. These laws were immediately met with opposition from the citizens who claimed they had the right to control their bodies and those of their children (History). In the Twentieth Century there was an introduction of several vaccines and the diseases of these vaccines were believed to be nearly eliminated. By the twenty- first century we saw a decrease in†¦show more content†¦Vaccines were created to protect us from diseases. Most diseases associated with vaccines were highly contagious and are spread from person to person. Before vaccines were created, hundreds of thousands of people were affected by diseases, thousands of people died, and sometimes people were left with debilitating injuries or side effects. After the creation of vaccines, the people affected by diseases dropped and death from these diseases were rarely seen (Why). The vaccines that scientist have created have proven to protect us from diseases. Parents are worried about the safety of vaccines. Parent are worried their child will have an allergic reaction, health problems or even death from the vaccines. Despite parent concerns, vaccinating children has been successfully for decades. It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it. †In fact, there has never been a single credible study linking vaccines to long term health conditions†(Who). Controversy over vaccines has scared parents into not vaccinating their children, but vaccines have been proven to be safe. Vaccines protect the body from infection. When your immune system comes in contact with a bacteria or virus, this infection begins to attack your body. Your immune system then has to fight the infection off, by producing antibodies. People who are vaccinated are introduced to a minor version of an infection, but this infection does not cause infection. This causes theShow MoreRelatedMandatory Vaccination Should Be Mandatory Vaccinations1228 Words  | 5 PagesMandatory vaccinations should be required for all citizens in the U.S. Having mandatory vaccinations will allow for well protected future generations that are susceptible to less health issues. With everyone being vaccinated there will be less occurrences of these diseases and sicknesses allowing future generations a more healthy life with fewer visits to the doctor’s office and hospital. Another reason to have mandatory vaccinations is that these vaccines are safe and approved by trusted medicalRead MoreMandatory V accination Should Be Mandatory Vaccinations1975 Words  | 8 Pageswhen I found out I would be bringing a new life into this world in late August, many thoughts and options began flowing through my head. At this time I didn’t know routine vaccinations were a choice for parents to make, I always thought they were mandatory. This being said, I began my research on the pros and cons of vaccinations. While I learned there are cons of vaccinating children, I also learned that the benefits of routinely vaccinating children significantly outweigh the risks. I chose fromRead MoreMandatory Vaccination Should Be Mandatory Vaccinations3657 Words  | 15 PagesAssa 1 Christina Assa ENC1101, 1954644 Professor Hofman 30 April 2015 Mandatory Vaccinations There is much debate to whether or not children should or shouldn’t be vaccinated. Every day there are many children and even adults who have died from diseases that could have been prevented before they came up. Immunizing our children is important so that they will stay healthy and so will other children around them. Children are at the most risk for developing diseases when they are growing up. TheyRead MoreVaccinations Should Be Mandatory Vaccinations1495 Words  | 6 PagesThe government should mandate vaccinations, and although it would sacrifice the liberty and choice for public health it would keep the well-being and health of everyone much more safe and away from the risk of disease. Most people agree that vaccinations should be mandated because of how being vaccinated keeps people safer in public environments since being vaccinated helps stop diseases from being spread, as proven by science, but people who do not agree with vaccination mandation most of the timeR ead MoreVaccination Of Vaccinations Should Be Mandatory1403 Words  | 6 Pages Vaccines Should be Mandatory in Order to Attend School Standard Number 6.4.B Jessica Crowe James H. Groves CEA3 ARGUMENT PAPER Jessica Crowe James H. Groves 30 June 2017 Vaccines Should be Mandatory in order to Attend School Standard Number: 6.4.B Protecting a child’s health is very important to parents! That is why they should vaccinate them as young children. All children should be required to have vaccinations in order to start school in every state. Each year about 85% ofRead MoreVaccination For Vaccinations Should Be Mandatory982 Words  | 4 PagesBetween 1924 and 2013, vaccinations prevented 103 million cases of polio, measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis A, diphtheria, and pertussis (Bailey). Vaccinating is â€Å"the process by which pathogenic cells are injected into a healthy person in an attempt to cause the body to develop antibodies to a particular virus or bacteriumâ€â€successful creation of antibodies is referred to as immunity to the disease caused by the particular pathogen†(Introduction to Should Vaccinations be Mandatory). Popular conflictsRead MoreShould Mandatory Vaccination Be Mandatory? Essay2213 Words  | 9 Pages Mandatory Vaccinations Parents face many different decisions when raising a child; some decisions are trivial, and others can be controversial. Whether or not to vaccinate a child is one of the most controversial choices. So controversial, in fact, that there is a political conversation of making immunizations a requirement. Many people support the movement of making vaccinations mandatory. Proponents argue that vaccines save lives, vaccine-preventable diseases have not been eradicated, and vaccinesRead MoreVaccination Of Vaccinations Should Be Mandatory1375 Words  | 6 PagesVaccines should be Mandatory in order to Attend School Standard Number: 6.4.B Protecting a child’s health is very important to parents! That is why they should vaccinate them as a young child. All children should be required to have vaccinations in order to start school in every state. Each year about 85% of the world’s youth receive vaccines that protect them against several diseases like, tuberculosis, pneumococcus, and many more. Even with great success, and improvements with vaccinations, more thanRead MoreShould Vaccinations Be Mandatory?1652 Words  | 7 PagesAudrey Miller Research Paper Draft Laura Thompson 10/21/15 Should Vaccinations be Mandatory? In today’s society, it is very common for parents to have their children vaccinated and to be vaccinated themselves. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Source 1), more than 80% of children from the ages of 19 months to 35 months were immunized for several different diseases. I myself have always been vaccinated, but I believe that it is a person’s right to decide whether or notRead MoreVaccinations Should Be Mandatory Essay1257 Words  | 6 Pagesfeared disease. But thanks to doctors like Dr. Salk, doctors have developed a vaccination for other diseases, not just polio, which helped eradicate and eliminate many diseases that have killed millions in the past. Today, many American parents refuse to vaccinate their children due to a variety of unfounded fears. Vaccinations should be mandatory, unless a person has a medical condition that says otherwise. These vaccinations are vital to the control and eradication of deadly infectious diseases a nd
Monday, May 18, 2020
Evidence Based Care Of The Patient - 2328 Words
In this essay I will explore the evidence based care of the patient in the above case. It will outline the assessment of an infant with acute bronchiolitis using a suitable framework to determine the appropriate therapeutic intervention. The pathophysiology associated with deterioration and the impact of communication between the family and multi disciplinary team will be explored. This essay will to focus on the initial stages of Joe’s care in the first hour of his admission to the children’s assessment unit. On arrival, Joe’s mother Catherine was distressed and throughout every stage of Joe’s care it was important Catherine was provided with clear information in order to empower her to make informed choices regarding Joe’s care (Glasper et al. 2010). Parental involvement was introduced after the Platt Report in 1959 which recommended that parents should be allowed to stay with their hospitalised child. The report has led to significant improvemen ts in interactions between parents of hospitalised children and the staff who care for them (Priddis and Sheilds 2011). Sousa et al (2013) carried out a study that found communication between parents and children’s nurses is vital. Sousa et al (2013) found that almost all parents who participated in the questionnaire agreed it was a priority to get information on their child’s health condition. This indicates that is important for nurses to manage the child and family as a whole holistically (NMC 2015). CatherineShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Evidence Based Practice On Patient Care1250 Words  | 5 PagesEvidence Based Practice has contributed to the healing of millions of patients across the world by meeting the needs of patient care through providing extensive research and evidence. The process of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is made up of professional nurses. The start of this process is based on previous clinical experience based on encounters nurses have had with patients regarding clinical problems. EBP brings better care to the patient by making the patient and their health issue the mainRead MoreUsing Evidence Based Practice for Patient Care983 Words  | 4 PagesEvidence based practice can be defined as the process of, using the recent evidence base practice to make decision about patients individual care and to make sure that patient is getting most appropriate care by utilising the best practice, judgement clinically, preference for individual patient and systematic review (Nay Fetherstonhaugh, 2007). Hence, when health professional work, they need to consider the characteristics of the context of the practice and the patient’s values and their situationRead MoreEvidence Based Practice Worksheet On Patient Care1067 Words  | 5 PagesEvidence Based Practice Worksheet Complete the following table for each of the diseases assigned to you in NFS 715. The purpose of this assignment is to teach you how current research and evidence summaries are used to influence patient care. Intern Name Taylor Zinke Disease State Category Gastrointestinal (Chron’s) 100-word summary of your patient’s medical diagnosis, care, prognosis, and nutrition needs. USM students MUST submit a copy of their actual chart note and NCP form for this patientRead MoreThe Care Of A Patient Using Evidence Based Practice2583 Words  | 11 PagesWithin this assignment it will be exploring the care of a patient using evidence based practice. The patient being explored is one met during a community nursing placement, though all identifying evidence will either be changed or not used to keep the patient’s confidentiality (as with the nmc code). The patient is currently residing in a residential home in Derbyshire. The patient is a man who is in his fifties. He had been put into the residential care following a hospital admission for a brain tumorRead MoreThe Impact Of Evidence Based Nursing Practice On Patient Care951 Words  | 4 PagesCriteria and process used for evidence-based nursing practice, and the impact of evidence-based nursing practice on patient care. The act of nursing practice requires the application of competent evidenced based practice (EBP) nursing care, supported by current research and theory development. Through the critical analysis and evaluation of studies, nurse leaders evaluate the components of research for its effective use in the daily practice of nursing. Moreover, this allows nurses to remain currentRead MoreEvidence Based Quality Enhancement And Healthcare1587 Words  | 7 Pages Evidence based practice has a great impact on health care system, nursing practice, teaching, and science. The necessity for evidence based quality enhancement and healthcare alteration underscores the requirement for redesigning and implementing care that is effectual, secure and competent (Stevens, K., Ma., 2013). The movement of evidence based practice commenced with the identification of the problems faced in healthcare system. The unacceptable gap between what we know and what we do in theRead MoreThe Research Evidence Based Practice1174 Words  | 5 PagesThis article is about transplant nurse role in research evidence based practice in nursing care. Transplant nurses should practice transplant nursing that is based on evidence. 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Implementation can be supported with the helpRead MoreBeing A Great Nurse Means To Be In A Mutual Partnership1242 Words  | 5 PagesBeing a great nurse means to be in a mutual partnership with the healthcare professionals and commit to each individual patients condition. It is to collaborate with other health care professionals to provide the best care possible. Becoming an equal partner with a physician, the nurse will become a leader and as such will take part in developing health care plans, tracking improvements, making modifications and participate in important boardroom decision. Interprofessional collaboration and coordinationRead MoreWhat Are Nursing Research?1359 Words  | 6 Pages(Houser, 2015, page 5). Nursing research and evidence-based practices are the basis for effective nursing care and helps to ensure that nursing will continue to grow and provide quality nursing care for patients in years to come. Nursing research is vital to the continuation and growth of nursing care. Without research and experimentation, the field of nursing would not advance forward in terms of better and more efficient ways to provide nursing care. Throughout the many years of nursing research
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Nike Wacc Case Study - 2281 Words
Financial Management Agenda 1. What is the WACC and why is it important to estimate a firm’s cost of capital? Do you agree with Joanna Cohen’s WACC calculation? Why or why not? 2. If you do not agree with Cohen’s analysis, calculate your own WACC for Nike and justify your assumptions. 3. Calculate the costs of equity using CAPM, the dividend discount model, and the earnings capitalization ratio. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? 4. What should Kimi Ford recommend regarding an investment in Nike? 2 Case Overview Nike, Inc. NorthPoint Group Investment Decision ï‚ § Current share price of USD 42.09 ï‚ § Declining market share for the period 1997-2000 ï‚ § Strategy for revitalizing the company under consideration ï‚ § Plan†¦show more content†¦Ã¯â€š § Joanna is right to consider debt denominated in foreign currency, however her approach is flawed since she is once again looking at outstanding debt, which arrangements that occurred some time in the past might significantly differ from the current market reality. ï‚ § Since existing Nike bonds are trading at discount, we already know that the market yield exceeds the coupon rate. 5 * Strong arguments exist for using the geometric mean under certain circumstances. This point will be further elaborated Agenda 1. What is the WACC and why is it important to estimate a firm’s cost of capital? Do you agree with Joanna Cohen’s WACC calculation? Why or why not? 2. If you do not agree with Cohen’s analysis, calculate your own WACC for Nike and justify your assumptions. 3. Calculate the costs of equity using CAPM, the dividend discount model, and the earnings capitalization ratio. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? 4. What should Kimi Ford recommend regarding an investment in Nike? 6 Calculating Cost of Equity ï‚ § Rf = 5.39% based on the current 10 year yield for the sake of consistency with the forecasted 10 year FCFF. ï‚ § Calculating risk premium based on arithmetic average vs geometric mean: ïÆ' ¼ Arithmetic average assumes no serial correlation and thus could be overstating the premium. ïÆ' ¼ Arithmetic average ignores estimation error and available data is limited. ïÆ' ¼ Arithmetic average works best forShow MoreRelatedCase Study –Nike, Inc.: Cost of Capital Essay718 Words  | 3 PagesCase Study –Nike, Inc.: Cost of Capital FIN202a-Spring 2011 1. Please define Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). 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The other 8 percent comes from equipment and non Nike brand products, such as ColeRead MoreEssay on NIke solutions1702 Words  | 7 Pages(1+KD/2)40 + 3.375(1-0.38)/(1+KD/2)n KD=4.52% C6: Using WACC formula: Rwacc =4.52*10.19% + 8.89*89.81% = 8.44% C7: average dividend growth rate: g = [0+12.5++ 20+12+8]/4 %=8% (Assumption: In this calculation, the growth rates significantly higher than 20% and negative figure have been ignored.) C8: Using CAPM: KE’=3.2%+0.91*5.5%=8.21% C9: Using DGM formula: P’=D1/ (KE’-g) =1.06*(1+8%)/(8.21%-8%)=$545 In Nike’s case, when Joanna Cohen calculated the WACC of Nike, she made several mistakes and led to a wrongRead MoreNike Cost of Capital Case2415 Words  | 10 Pagesmanagement firm. In July 2001, Ford considered buying shares of Nike, Inc., the well-known athletic shoe manufacturer. It would be prudent of Ford to base her assessment on Nike’s financial reports for 2001. Around the same time, Nike held an analysts’ meeting to disclose those financial results. They also addressed ways to revitalize the company, since share price was beginning to decline and revenues had plateaued at around $9 billion. Although Nike projected a rosy future, many analysts had mixed reactionsRead MoreCalculating Wacc2481 Words  | 10 Pagesweighted average cost of capital (WACC) to be 8.3%. I find error in this calculation as a result of the following points of disagreement: a) Weighting of Capital Structure: Use of book values of capital rather than the market values b) Cost of Debt Calculation: Incorrect method for calculating debt c) Tax Rate: Use of a tax rate derived from the summation of state and statutory taxes instead of the firms marginal tax rate 2. Revised Calculation of WACC: WACC reflects the weighted averageRead MoreNike Inc Cost of Capital2974 Words  | 12 PagesIntroduction Kimi Ford is a portfolio manager at NorthPoint Group, a mutual-fund management firm. She is evaluating Nike, Inc. (â€Å"Nike†) to potentially buy shares of their stock for the fund she manages, the NorthPoint Large-Cap Fund. This fund mostly invests in Fortune 500 companies, with an emphasis on value investing. This Fund has performed well over the last 18 months despite the decline in the stock market. Ford has done a significant amount of research through analysts’ reportsRead MoreDeutsche2679 Words  | 11 Pages Phone: (403) 332-4582 e-mail: Goal of Course Management 4430 is the capstone course in finance and will incorporate concepts you have learned in through your study of corporate, investments, and international. We will utilize the case methodology to focus our analysis. Cases describe a context in which a particular problem is found. Regardless of the particular characteristics of the problem, problem solving follows a general methodology: identification of theRead MoreFinancial Report Adidas5972 Words  | 24 PagesStudent number: 0880732 Term paper Handelshà ¸yskolen BI - Adidas AG - Exam code and name EXC 25093 Financial Statements and Valuation Hand-in date: 15.04.2011 Place of study: BI Oslo Program: Bachelor in Business and Administration Table of contents Summary ii Adidas 1 Sports Apparel Industry 1 Economic Situation 2 - Financial Statement Evaluation 2 - Profitability ratios 3 - Efficiency ratios 4 - Liquidity and cash flow ratiosRead MoreManagerial Economics Paper2648 Words  | 11 PagesSection A: Objective Type (30 marks) †¢ †¢ †¢ This section consists of multiple choices Short notes type questions. Answer all the questions. Part one carries 1 mark each Part two carries 5 marks each. MM.100 Part one: Multiple choices: 1. It is a study of economy as a whole a. Macroeconomics b. Microeconomics c. Recession d. Inflation 2. A comprehensive formulation which specifies the factors that influence the demand for the product a. Market demand b. Demand schedule c. Demand function d. IncomeRead MoreKraft Foods Analysis12781 Words  | 52 Pagesand immediately Kraft Foods’ results and market shares. MARKET POSITION COMPETITORS Krafts Foods is the second larger food company after Nestlà © in terms of volume of products sold and the first one in the United States. According to a recent study of Deloitte, in terms of turnover Kraft Foods is the fourth larger company in the world in the food beverages industry. The ranking is as follow: 1. NESTLE SA – Switzerland Chocolates, waters, dairy products, ice-creams, confectionery, frozen
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
EA Brief 7001V1 v01 1 - 1305 Words
Unit 7001V1 - Personal leadership development as a strategic manager Introduction This unit is about understanding the strategic skills required to enable an organisation to achieve its ambitions. It requires you to demonstrate that you are able to identify and manage organisational skills requirements and personal leadership development and evaluate the effectiveness of the results. The unit is also about understanding how to create a staff welfare environment aligned to organisational values. Scenario Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below†¦show more content†¦Membership of the CMI is designed to work for you and your learners during management studies and then beyond this on a day-to-day basis to aid the overall progression of your management careers. There are many benefits of membership, but for you and your learners in particular this comes to life with our tailored online support - via All the resources available on Management Direct are designed to help you and your learners with CMI assignments. Management Direct enables quick and easy access to information which is automatically tailored to the individual units on each relevant CMI qualification, meaning you can spend less time looking for the information you need to deliver the qualification and ensure that your learners have access to the many resources to complete their next assignment. The other main benefits of membership are: – Online resources via our website including checklists, management models, learner videos and podcasts, among various other formats tailored to many different learning styles. Professional recognition from a Chartered body for management and leadership, including the platform for letters after your name and our highest accolade of Chartered Manager. Networking opportunities via our online community, social media or
Students Go to University After Graduating from High School or Go to Work Free Essays
It is probably true that students who go directly from high school to university or college do not get too many benefits. Consequently, some assert that students should take a job or go travelling before starting their university lives, which I fully agree with. First, those who go to university after one or two years work, get work experience and earn salaries. We will write a custom essay sample on Students Go to University After Graduating from High School or Go to Work or any similar topic only for you Order Now Consequently in some western countries, most undergraduate students pay their tuition fees by themselves. For example, for students who work in Starbucks, one of the benefits of having a job there is that they make lots of friends and get a wage at the same time. This experience is valuable. Perhaps when they graduate from their respective universities, they have a much higher possibility of getting jobs. Similarly to go travelling in the real world is not a bad choice either. Some would like to travel abroad, so that they enjoy sharing experiences with local people. They can share with other people observations with foreigners from different cultural positions when they are travelling in a different city or a foreign country. They never get this real life experience in the university. Nevertheless, most undergraduate students would still like to go directly from high school to university. It is a process of studying step by step. From primary school to university, they get knowledge only from the courses they take and many think,that just as the old saying goes that†Knowledge is power†, so they believe they still have some benefit. To sum up, both alternatives have their advantages, but I support the idea that students are better to take a job or to go travelling before going to university. (281words) How to cite Students Go to University After Graduating from High School or Go to Work, Essay examples
Health Of People Depleting Various Reasons â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Health Of People Is Depleting Due To Various Reasons? Answer: Introducation Healthcare is an important sector which is providing quality services for enhancing the health of people. The health of people is depleting due to various reasons. It is vital to provide quality healthcare services to people for increasing the standard of health. Different individuals have different health needs and different individuals are treated in a different manner. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgendered, two-spirit, intersex and queer individuals/communities are being discriminated on the grounds of the healthcare services. The health of the LGBTIQ gets affected due to various factors including social, behavioral and structural factors. Discrimination is also creating an impact on the health of the transgender who belongs to LGBTIQ umbrella. Rights provided to the LGBTIQ people have been improved in the last 50 years which shows that steps have been taken for enhancing the quality of their health. It has been analysed from the data presented by AIWH that more than 34 % of LGBTIQ fears from disclosing their identity and availed the services without disclosing their identity. Initiatives have been taken by the Australian government for providing healthcare services to LGBTIQ people. Due to discriminatory practices 35 % of the transgender people above the age 18 have attempted suicide during their life. Transgender people in Australia are suffering from depression due to lack of proper treatment. There is a need to provide better training to the healthcare professionals so as to make them understand the health needs of the transgender patients (AIHW, 2017). I have been working for providing healthcare services to the people for ensuring their good health. I have analyzed that transgender people suffer a lot due to the views of society towards the transgender (Mayer, et. al., 2008). I have analyzed that there are various factors which act as barriers resulting in poor health of transgender people. These barriers include knowledge possessed by the professionals of healthcare, the attitude of the healthcare professionals towards transgender, fear from disclosing their gender or sexual identity, discriminatory practices harming the interest of transgender and absence of proactive communication (Rashidian, et. al., 2016). It has been analyzed that some healthcare professionals do not possess the knowledge of the healthcare services which should be provided to the transgender. There are chances when a health care professional lack in possessing knowledge of the health issues faced by the transgender. Another barrier is the attitude of the healthcare professionals as healthcare professional refuses to treat transgender and transgender even faced disrespectful behavior and abuse from the healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals are inattentive to the transgender patients (OHTN, 2014). Transgender face refusal and ignorance from the society and this develops fear in their mind and they fear to disclose their gender identity. These discriminatory practices result in a delay in the treatment provided to the transgender. They fear that disclosure of their identity can affect the quality of the healthcare services provided to them by the healthcare professionals. Communication process or channel bet ween the transgender and healthcare professional is missing due to fear and refusal. Transgender have gone through various situations which develop fear in their mind. These previous experiences act as a barrier to healthcare access for transgender. Attitude, values, and beliefs of the healthcare professional can create an impact on the health and wellbeing of the service user in a positive as well as negative manner (Mller, 2016). A healthcare professional should not discriminate the patients and focus on enhancing the quality of the health of the service users. A healthcare professional must adopt a positive attitude towards the service users for providing proper treatment to the service users. Transgender faces discrimination as health care professionals refuses to treat them. I have adopted a positive attitude towards the transgender patients so as to provide equal treatment to every service user and avoiding discriminatory practices. I have ensured that every service user is treated properly and focus is on the quality of health of the service user. I believe that it is the moral responsibility of the healthcare professional to treat everyone equal and must perform its responsibilities with commitment. Providing healthcare service is considered as providing public service and one must consider every individual equal regardless of its gender, caste, race, and color (Kates, et. al., 2016). Values adopted by me have guided my behavior towards the service users and eliminating the discriminatory practices. The core values which I have adopted for performing my responsibilities are social justice, human dignity, autonomy, and altruism. Altruism has helped me in being selfless and providing quality services without discriminating transgender from others. I believe that as a healthcare professional one must adopt dignity and should treat every individual equal. I have focused on providing equal treatment to every individual. Transgender need to be considered equal so as to ensure their health. I have followed integrity for ensuring that my actions are not creating any harm to the service users and performing the responsibilities in an ethical manner (Kemppainen, et. al., 2012). I believe that it is important to analyze the issues or the barriers which create an adverse impact on the health and well-being of transgender. Training programs need to be provided to the healthcare professionals so as to change their behavior towards the transgender. I have planned to make people aware of the issues which are being faced by transgender and to explain to them that society must be treated as a whole and every individual is a part of society. I will try to motivate the transgender for discussing the health issues faced by them with the healthcare professionals. This will enhance the quality of life of transgender as well as promotes unity and equality among the society. I will ensure that the environment of healthcare setting is free from discriminatory practices affecting the health and well-being of transgender (Brownson et. al., 2010). I will discuss the issues which are being faced by transgender and helping them in coping with the issues. Developing a safe and h ealthy environment is an important aspect as this will help in improving the health condition of transgender and providing fair treatment to them. There is a need to remove the barriers which are affecting the health of transgender. Counseling sessions must be provided to transgender for encouraging them and helping them in communicating with the healthcare professionals in a better manner. Healthcare professionals need to possess knowledge of the health issues of transgender so as to treat them (Russell, 2013). Anti-discriminatory practices have been formulated by the government of Australia so as to ensure that proper healthcare services are offered to transgender people. I will focus on promoting their anti-discriminatory practices for developing a better environment for transgender patients. I have analyzed these issues faced by transgender which are creating an impact on the health and safety of transgender must be dealt by applying measures. These measures will help in improving the health and well-being of the transgender. My motive is to promote equality among the different groups of the society. The safe environment needs to be created which will help in contributing towards the betterment of the transgender (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011). These people have faced various issues including discrimination which has affected their physical health as well as mental health. Transgender are frequently facing discrimination and refusal which has affected their health. It is vital to remove these discriminatory practices for promoting equality and providing fair treatment to transgender. Healthcare centers can be set for transgender for ensuring that health issues of transgender are identified in a proper manner and are addressed without any delay (Brownson et. al., 2010). Various rules and regulations have been formulated by the government for the safety and security of the different groups of the society. Campaigns can be initiated for ensuring that these people are not getting ignored. Anti-discriminatory practices need to be formulated and adopted in the healthcare sector for ensuring the health and safety of the different groups of the society. Trust and respect must be developed among the different groups of the society for each other. This trust and respect will help in ensuring that health of the transgender is maintained (Berman, et. al., 2011). Thus, it can be concluded that positive attitude must be adopted by every healthcare practitioner for ensuring good health of the different groups of the society. As a healthcare professional, there is a need to understand the importance of equality in the healthcare sector and its impact on the health and well-being of the different groups. References AIHW, 2017, Older Australians who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex, AIHW. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011, Census, unpublished data generated using ABS TableBuilder, Canberra: ABS. Berman, P., Pallas, S., Smith, A. L., Curry, L. Bradleyb, E. H., 2011, Improving the Delivery of Health Services: A Guide to Choosing Strategies, Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Discussion Paper. Brownson R. C., Seiler R., Eyler A. A., 2010, Measuring the impact of public health policy, Prev Chronic Dis. Kates, J., Ranji, U., Beamesderfer, A., Salganicoff, A. Dawson, L., 2016, Health and Access to Care and Coverage for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Individuals in the U.S., The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kemppainen, V., Tossavainen, K. Turunen, H., 2012, Nurses' roles in health promotion practice: an integrative review, Health Promotion International. Krehely, J., 2009, How to Close the LGBT Health Disparities Gap, Center for American Progress. Mayer, K. H., Bradford, J. B., Makadon, H. J., Stall, R., Goldhammer, H., Landers, S., 2008, Sexual and Gender Minority Health: What We Know and What Needs to Be Done,American Journal of Public Health,98(6), 989995. Mller, A., 2016, Health for All? Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Implementation of the Right to Access to Health Care in South Africa, HHR Journal. OHTN, 2014, Facilitators and barriers to health care for lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people, OHTN. Rashidian, M., Minichiello, V., Knutsen, S. F., Ghamsary, M., 2016, Barriers to sexual health care: a survey of Iranian-American physicians in California, USA,BMC Health Services Research,16, 263. Russell, L., 2013, Improving M?ori Health And Reducing Inequalities Between M?ori And Nonm?ori: Has The Primary Health Care Strategy Worked For M?or
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Case Study On Mountain Dews- Lighthouse Foods and Mobius Motors
Question: Describe about the Case Study of Lighthouse Foods, Mobius Motors and Mountain Dew? Answer: Case Study Analysis of Lighthouse Foods Issue: The main issue related to this case study was that Lighthouse Foods should change their packaging styles from glass jars to plastics. The senior business development manager of this company was Doug Hawkins and he was entitled to take all necessary decisions for the better prospects of the company. He identified that if the company should sell the dressings in plastic jars that would allow a price competitive strategy over the competitors. Switching to plastic packaging would help the company to sustain five years growth and reach maximum profitability. Analysis: The main base point of the case study was that the company is one of the strong market leaders in the salad dressing market therefore the company had a strong brand recognition of about 50 years. Recently two competitor brands have shifted to plastic dressing of the products which has brought a relative price advantage over its competitors. It was analyzed that customers had a strong preference over the quality and the brand and not on its packaging of products. This made the company to retain its customers in a market where the competitors were posing a continuous threat in the cost cutting advantage. The companys main objective was to deliver fresh products to the customers. The company also believed on healthy statement which was a part of their sales promotional activity. Recommendation given to the company: It was recommended to the company that the company should switch over its packaging from glass jars to plastic packaging. This switch would give the company to access additional surplus of price advantage of about $1.5 million per year. This shift of packaging would help the retailers and other groceries to shelf the products easily and more number of products could be restored in one shelf. This will not only make a cheaper alternative but also make it more convenient for customers to use products in the form Tetra packs and squeezed bottles as well. Case Study Analysis of Mobius Motors Issue: Mobius Motors targeted the African market to expand their business internationally. Therefore being a Kenyan company it tried to understand the infrastructure and transportation network in Africa was very poor. Therefore Joel Jackson founder of the company came up with the objective to overcome such barriers in Africa and design cars that could strive poor road conditions of Africa as well. Analysis: It was analyzed from the case study that Mobius came with the objective to design, build and sell low cost vehicles that could perform on Africas road network and that would act as a cheap alternative solution for transportation as well. This dynamic invention of the company would bring to develop their production capacity in the market and increase their economy. The company mainly targeted the middle income entrepreneurs in Africa who can avail their own public transport at a cheaper rate instead of travelling in taxi. The people in Africa mainly middle and lower income groups were in high need for their own transportation. Recommendation given to the company: It was recommended to the company that apart from developing various prototype of cars in the African market the company can also develop low cost vehicles so that individuals can easily afford them and that could reduce the transportation unavailability in Africa. It was also recommended to the company to develop a strong engineering and Research and development team that could bring in creative ideas to launch products according to the road network scenario in African market. The company also focused mainly on low cost production in developing countries so all the machine automation related work was done by the company itself to reduce costs. The company also needed to focus on sales promotion and advertising campaigns because competitors already established low cost vehicles in the market. Therefore to sustain the growth in the market Mobius came up with the view to launch a broad marketing campaign which could give a drastic impact around the various locations in Africa. Case Study Analysis of Mountain Dew: The most Racist Commercial in history. Issue: The Company PepsiCo had shown a TV advertisement which describes how a woman tries to identify her assailant from a lineup of three black men and a goat. This advertisement was written by American rapper Tyler which depicted that a woman was on crutches in the police station. Analysis: This online advertisement identified a suspect from a lineup of black men and goat. It was analyzed that the talking goat threatened to beat the women. Later on it was seen that PepsiCo apologized for the 60 second ad which was described as argumentative. Recommendations: It is recommended to learn how a company should sustain in a corporate racism. Advertisements should be given as such there is no for racial violence against women. It is also suggested to go for online ad campaigns.
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