Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay on On The Road Not Taken - 1139 Words
On The Road Not Taken Most people believe that The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost was written to inspire people to be different, and to not follow the majority. However, the poem was actually written to gently tease one of Frosts good friends, and fellow poet, Edward Thomas. Frost and Thomas would take walks in the woods together, and Thomas would take Frost down one path and later regret not choosing a different path. This would lead one to believe that Frost is actually ridiculing the action of regretting decisions. Considering this pert nit background information, the poems meaning can be quite contrary to popular belief. It guides the reader from the idea that Frost wants you to differentiate yourself, to a concept of†¦show more content†¦Although a decision was made to take a certain path, it is ironic that Frost described both paths as being practically the same. Perhaps Frost used the word taken instead of chosen since there was virtually no choice to be made. The way the poem has b een remembered, is that one should follow ones own heart, and not what other people do. After only a brief review, it is conceivable how someone would assume the popular belief associated with the poem. However under a closer review there are many contradictions hidden within the poem. First the key concept towards the poems popular belief is that of choosing something different. At the very end of the poem Frost writes, I took the one less traveled by/ and that has made all the difference (19, 20), giving the reader the impression that a rebellious decision has been made. Frost contradicts himself earlier by describing the two roads as being about the same. Towards the beginning of the poem, at the end of the second stanza Frost writes, Though as for the passing there/ Had worn them really about the same (9, 10), and also at the beginning of the third stanza And both that morning equally lay/ In leaves no step had trodden black (11, 12), this leads the reader to believe that there isnt a big difference between the two roads, and that there is no reason to believe that one is less traveled than the other. Frost is actually saying that neither of the two roads had beenShow MoreRelatedRoad Not Taken752 Words  | 4 PagesPoetry Essay ENGL 102: Literature and Composition MLA Thesis Statement: Every adult faces the challenge of a life-altering decision. In â€Å"The Road Not Taken†by Robert Frost there are many metrical devices used to portray the poet’s major theme of decision making. Outline for â€Å"The Road Not Taken†I. Introduction A. Influence of decision making B. Problem faced by the character II. Body A. Theme of decision making B. 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